(pkg) OfficeTime 1.9 how install on 10.13.4 Description: OfficeTime Software; Business; OfficeTime; 24064 KB; Applications ○ OfficeTime 1.9 OfficeTime is time and expense tracking that is easy, elegant and focused. Other time keepers are clumsy or oversimplified. OfficeTime balances features and ease of use, allowing you to easily track exactly what you do ...2019.03.30 23:35art
(9 best) on OS X ✔️ 2.30.ipad.file.explorer.dmg how install Description: easyPadApps - 1434 KB - File Management - Utilities - iPad File Explorer iPad File Explorer 2.30 iPad File Explorer lets you use your iPod touch, iPhone, iPad as a flash disk. iPad File Explorer makes it easy to browse your iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch as if it were in disk mode. You can add and remov...2019.03.30 23:29life
v.1.3.1 copper how install for High Sierra / Developer Tools / Phillip Schuster / Copper / 80691 KB ➛ copper version 1.3.1 Copper is an application to visualize, analyze and finalize a PCB layout created with EAGLE or exported from another EDA (Electronic Design Automation) that is able to export in Eagle CAD format. Our software helps finding problems in...2019.03.30 23:24life
vers._2.7.3_Folder_Tidy.app 💣 how download to MacBook Air Tunabelly Software - Utilities - File Management - Folder Tidy - 4506 KB vers.2.7.3 Folder Tidy Folder Tidy will clean up your messy folders with one click. - Organize your files into subfolders based on the file type and/or rules. - Use one of the many built-in rules, or create powerful ones based on predicates....2019.03.30 23:18photo
to 10.14.1 how install Control Spotify from your menu bar. Description: Michael Llewellyn SpotiMy Home Personal Music 614 KB ♦ SpotiMy 1.2 Spotimy allows you to control Spotify without having to switch focus of your current application. It's a tiny menu bar application, that when clicked, shows Spotify controls on top of whatever you're doing. New! version Queyd.Spoti...2019.03.30 23:13design
working 2019 version build a beautiful photo cloud for your website. how install Description: HTML; Development; Cyklone Pix; 10240 KB; 1LD ➡ vers.2.0.0 Cyklone Pix Cyklone Pix uses the power of JavaScript for a beautiful photo cloud animation. Each picture can be selected and animates out using the jQuery Slimbox, which offers a fast and clean lightbox image pop-out animation. Use your Rap...2019.03.30 23:07life
Extract RAR files. where download for Description: Utilities File Management Jun Yan 8192 KB RAR Extractor Plus ◐ Yyd4yA-RAR-Extractor-Plus-2.0.zip RAR Extractor Plus Fast, intelligent utility to extract RAR files.Three simple ways to open a RAR file quickly:1. Double click a RAR file in the Finder or on the Desktop, no need to launch the app firs...2019.03.30 23:02life
Share photos on Facebook right from your Desktop. where download on OS X 1434 KB, Pedro Vieira, Social Networking, Picturito, Picturito v 1.0.3 Picturito is the fastest and easiest way to share multiple pictures from multiple places on Facebook right from your desktop! Easy as 1, 2, 3! Picturito is a small menu-bar app that helps you share multiple pictures to Facebook using the built...2019.03.30 22:56photo
where download Finds IP address of all devices on a network. last final version Description: Ben Bird 98 KB Utilities Network Network Device Finder version-1.4-Network-Device-Finder.dmg Network Device Finder will find all Web servers on your network. This includes computers running Web server software, routers, network cameras, and any other network device with a Web interface. This softw...2019.03.30 22:51photo
Dilo_1.3.2.pkg how install 115 KB / Literature / Education / Imdat Solak / Dilo ➡ Dilo version 1.3.2 Dilo is an application to lookup German English, German French, German Spanish and German Turkish words in public dictionaries to get a translation in the other language, respectively. MacOS 1cLy_1.5.2_Dilo.pkg {120 kb} for 10.13.4 VV9-...2019.03.30 22:46design
last final version how install v 1.01 Site Collector ❕ Description: Internet 3686 KB Internet Utilities Site Collector Adon Software Site Collector vers 1.01 Site Collector is the perfect tool for bloggers, web developers and people who need to take snapshots of a webpage. Site Collector makes this task simple, just add a URL and the capture time from 10 minutes ...2019.03.30 22:40fashion
(dmg) to iMac where download KEYKEY V 2.8.1 ☀️ KeyKey Education Sergiy Vynnychenko Miscellaneous 42701 KB ➲ KeyKey version 2.8.1 KeyKey is a minimalistic touch typing tutor for Mac. It’s suitable for beginners who want to learn basic touch typing skills, as well as for advanced users seeking to master alternative layouts like COLEMAK or DVORAK. Improve you...2019.03.30 22:35art